Friday, October 19, 2012

Rainy Friday

Hi friends.  I hope you've had lovely weeks.  Mine has been a bit difficult and I'd love to tell you why but I'm not completely sure.  A little bit work, a little bit stress, a little bit reading about how one of my favorite bloggers has broken up with her husband (that's right, not somebody I know in real life)...You know, just a random assortment of stuff.

But today was nice.  I didn't go to work.  For the past three weeks I've dropped Tommy off and then dropped Lulu off and done a long (okay, six mile? seven mile?) run which has felt great because Eli and I have been doing so much P90X that I've stopped running as much as I used to.  It's also great because when you roll out of bed and into workout clothes it means you have a lot more time.  (Never mind that I don't shower until ten-thirty and I always have to blow dry my hair, too.  Blah, blah.)  This morning while I ran I listened to a This American Life and one of the stories was about a thirteen year old girl who was attacked by a shark and what happened afterward.  These types of stories are good for one's perspective.

Anyway, the kids and I played for an hour before dinner and Tommy told me how he won house points (yes, like Harry Potter, and Tommy LOVES his house and actually asked me to treat his house shirt as he'd gotten a stain on it and I've never known him to notice a stain before, ever) at school for singing in front of his entire house.  (Yes, clearly my child.)  


  1. Wasn't that shark story crazy? I too listened to it while running and came home and had to tell Michel the whole story while, of course, Molly was sitting there. So far she hasn't had any shark-related nightmares or asked me what I meant when I said the shark bit through a girl's intestines.

  2. YES, crazy. I tried to explain it to Eli while Tommy was there and his eyes got bigger and bigger and I knew I had to stop so I stood behind Tommy and tried to MIME that the shark bit the girl and shook her and took her underwater three times and at the end everyone was confused.
