Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Tuesday's happy surprise

I know many of you love autumn but you know what? I do not.  I like summer.  I prefer to be outdoors and the prospect of dark, chilly, rainy weather bums me out.

Luckily, it was a beautiful autumn weekend here and I am happy to say that it was impossible to be bummed out with great weather and Eli home!  And, I've blinked and it's Wednesday.

But the best part of my week is that Eli announced that Season 3 of Downton Abbey had started and that we are five episodes behind.  As we had dinner with Em's sister in law last night (it was so lovely to meet Shobana!), we only had time for one episode.  But tonight I plan to watch at least two.

Eli's a tiny bit sad because we had been watching Homeland and now we have to wait to find out if the one guy is a terrorist (actually, I already know because I looked it up on the internet, but I have NOT told Eli and do not plan to so I get some gold stars for that).

For those of you disgusted that I just wrote a post about television, you must not have small children who are on strict (and early) schedules.  I am trapped at home most evenings and Eli does not like to play cards.  (Last night on our way home, the bridge club on the corner of our street was hopping and I asked Eli what he thought all the dummies did and he had to admit that he had no idea what I was talking about. !!!)


  1. Rats! Netflix still only has Season 1 on streaming! I suppose we ought to get that Weeds disc languishing in the DVD player back to them and bump Downton up the queue.

    I'm with Eli on the dummies.

    I am loving autumn at the moment, but it is not really cold yet. Give me a week for the novelty of rain to wear off. Of course, if rain produces chanterelles I may change my tune...

  2. YES, you should bump Downton up the queue. (Doesn't Weeds just make you stressed out anyway?) I watched three episodes of Downton last night and today I feel very tired. But, the anticipation of this next episode (in which something very big happens; Eli claims it was in the papers and I told him that's precisely why I don't read the free ones that are passed out in the Tube station) is going to carry me through the day.

  3. I am at the place with Weeds where I get with books that I realize I'm not enjoying anymore (in this case because everyone is painfully self-destructive, and not really fun anymore). I feel committed to finishing it, even though I am no longer interested in the story. Thankfully this usually happens in the last third of book (or in this case, Season 6 of Weeds - back in New York), but every once in awhile it's in the first quarter and you know what? I almost always finish the damn book.

    But Downton has now been bumped. :)
