Thursday, October 04, 2012

The wonkiest wonk in the world

Some people use the word 'wonky' differently than I do.  To me, it refers to an undesirable mood that can't otherwise be defined.  Not exactly grumpy, and not sad either, just out of sorts.  And today I am WONKY. With a side of anxious.  Partially, this is because things at work could be going better.  (I am a very, very, very bad loser.  And that's all I'll say about that.)  Partially, this is because Eli is still in Oman and so I go home from my (this week) stressful job and I don't have anybody to talk to except Mandy and she wants to go home not listen to me go on and on about crazy things.

But my kids are super cute.  Tommy went on a trip to the zoo with his class yesterday.  I asked what animals he saw and the first thing he said was tapirs.  I think that's an odd one to start out with, as he's shown no interest in them before.  He had a great time, but was disappointed that (1) the parrots didn't talk back to him, and (2) the tigers were unavailable.  When I dropped him off at school this morning the kids were getting ready for their dance class, which means they change from their school shoes into plimsoles (which are little keds-like shoes, or maybe we have those in the US and I had just never heard of them and this explanation makes me seem stupid).  Anyway, they were all getting their plimsoles off their pegs and randomly sitting down and taking their school shoes off and just leaving them in the center of the floor.  I mean, not one child made an effort to put their shoes out of the way.  As I stepped carefully through the shoes, I noticed that all children had their names in their shoes, without exception.  But do you know who does not have his name in his shoes?  TOMMY.  And I had a little moment of panic and then decided that he'd be able to figure it out and left.  But now you all know what I'll be doing right after I get home tonight.  School shoes are expensive.

Lulu has asked for her daddy two mornings in a row.  Both times I have told her he is still away, but she may want to consider being a bit nicer to him when he returns. We've started a new daily ritual wherein she asks if I will take her to school and I have to say no, not until Friday and then she fake cries for a little while.  It's not very fun to have someone crying -- real or fake -- before 8am so I am working on a strategy to stop this routine. She also has a new motto:   "Tommy never shares with me!"  It's completely untrue and is starting to wear on me a bit.  While I was showering this morning they were playing on my bed taking turns yelling to me about the injustice the other was inflicting upon the child yelling.  So I pretended I couldn't hear.

Yes, I am a great parent.

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