Sunday, September 30, 2012


I am just about to go into the kitchen and make some soup that Eli doesn't like, but we've had a fun and full weekend.

First, this is Lulu's first Lego ship.  She may have had help on the ship parts, but she did the lights herself.  While it was nice for the kids, it was sort of a high pressure situation for me.  I'm expected to build a good ship as well as find in the tub of Lego the pieces that each person requires.  Lulu's were easy (purple lights); Tommy's are always very tricky to find.

 Tommy's ship:
 A drawing that Tommy did on Friday.  It's sideways.  The roots go toward the bottom of the picture. There trees have apples on them, and there is one apple falling off the tree (not to scale).  And then, I'm sure you can recognize all the butterflies.
 I just posted this one because I think the little outfit is cute.
 Yesterday this was outside Lulu's room.  I asked Tommy what it was for, and he said cheerfully:  "It's to keep you out of Lulu's room. But you came in anyway.  That's okay!"
 Today was the Back to School Fun Fair.  We have been looking forward to this for two weeks.  The most exciting thing was cotton candy ("candy floss") and so we started with it.  Lulu had about one bite and put it in the trash; Tommy finished it ALL.
 From there we moved on to hot dogs:
 And then tattoos:

We came home and swept up the front of the house, which was pretty much as fun as the fun fair for the kids. They got out the sidewalk chalk.  Wheeee.

Wishing you all happy weeks ahead. xo

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