Sunday, November 04, 2012

Knokke, Belgium (Post 2)

We spent lots of time at the beach, even though it was cold.  We still had a great time.

 One afternoon we rented this thing for the kids.  They totally loved it although Tommy and Leon fought a bit over who would be the driver (only the lefthand steering wheel worked, of course) and Julian felt sad that his feet couldn't reach the peddles (he would like to be as big as the older boys).
 This was an amazing part of the trip.  Down the street from Valery's father's house is his uncle's house, behind which was built this dragon.  The tongue is a slide, and the whole thing is actually a house that one can live in with a bathroom and kitchen.  It's AWESOME.

 I include this one so that you can see how big the dragon is in relation to the house.
 Inside the dragon:
 Some summers artists would live in the dragon and I bet you can tell one of them from the photo below.
Finally, I offer you this video.  Listen carefully to hear Tommy accuse Leon of being 'as bad as a woman' as regards his driving.  I know, awesome.

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