Saturday, November 10, 2012

Photos for you

Catching up -- we saw Santa (aka Father Christmas) on Friday and I should really put that photo up here so I will one of these days.  Tommy asked for a Lego X-Wing Fighter, and Lulu asked for a chinchilla (thank you, Diego).  Santa looked at me and said, "What?"  And of course Lulu is only three and she doesn't speak perfectly clearly but you can't blame him can you.  Luckily, I have since discovered that it is a stuffed chinchilla she wants rather than a real one.  So odd.

Lulu love, love, loves babyccinos:

 Eli and I had a lovely dinner with Sid's sister, Shobana:
 Playing in Bishops Park on an autumn day with pretty afternoon light (this photo isn't as pretty as I hoped it might be):
 Riding a cat.  This is the weirdest thing at this new park.

 At a birthday party.  Super fun:

 LULU'S FIRST MOVIE -- Madagascar 3.  She suggested going home a few times but we bribed her with chocolate. She really really likes chocolate.  (She's not three yet, but we thought English movies in Muscat would be hard to find.)
Where's Lulu?
 Packing for Belgium.
 Harry Potter, OBVIOUSLY.
 White bunny wabbit (as she calls herself):
 Today we went for a walk and bumped into Eli's friend Mo.  Mo has a vespa and let the kids sit on it.  VERY fun.

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