Thursday, November 15, 2012

T is for Transition

On Sunday, our landlady confirmed that we could not extend our lease until the end of December and that we needed to be out on the first of December. (They have found new tenants.)

So on Monday our lives were turned upside down when Eli was told that if he doesn't get put on the Muscat job by sometime in December, we'll be sent back to DC to await a different project. (It is apparently cheaper to move us all back to DC than to let us live here in London.)

Also on Monday, Eli was instructed to travel to Muscat from November 19 until December 5.

On Monday, Mandy was sick and Eli and I both went to Lulu's school to pick her up (don't ask, it's about Eli not thinking he would make it and then not being able to get in touch with me while I was on the Tube) and Eli presented me with this news and I immediately burst into tears.

And I said I thought he should quit.

He said he felt close to doing just that.  (There's a really nice house in my parents neighborhood on the market and it has us both daydreaming a lot.)

But then I said, well, maybe I should take the Washington bar BEFORE we move to Seattle.  (Does anybody know if they will let you have a mortgage if you don't have a job? Seems tricky.)  I then pointed out that I love, love, love living in London and I might be able to handle a few weeks of stress in exchange for the 2.5 happy years we've had here.  So I have resolved to finally weigh in on whether he should quit in six weeks.

So I emailed my mom and dad and they are coming to help me next week and staying through the move.

Since receiving all this news, Eli has secured a temporary flat for us in December, we have bought our plane tickets to Egypt for Christmas with Hanh and Eleanor (we need a bright spot as I feel despondent about possibly moving back to DC especially when it's going to be cold), and the movers are all set to come on the 29th and 30th (in fact the guy came this morning to do the inventory).

I have a hearing tomorrow and then my very busy and hard time at work will be winding down.

In other words, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  But it might not be in Muscat.

Now, who wants to buy me a drink?

PS:  The title of this post reminds me that while we were in Belgium, Tommy got mad and said "B is for Bad Leon!" and it made us all laugh.

PPS:  Guess what Tommy has been working on for about a month? Whistling.  He's awesome.



  2. I'll buy you a drink for sure. What a freaking state of affairs. I'm so glad B&N will be there with you (I hope makes Thanksgiving feel more like a holiday, in the midst of it all). I can't help but echo Sarah - for perfectly selfish reasons.

    Also, Egypt for Christmas? Margaret will be beside herself. She's obsessed. Tut @ the Science Center this weekend will pale by comparison!

  3. The Bay Area is also a pretty awesome place to come back to, too! :)
