Saturday, December 29, 2012


We had a lovely Christmas.  The kids' gift highlights included the blue light sabre from Grandma Nancy, the Lego X-Wing fighter from Santa and for Lulu, the pink camera from Hanh and the box of stick-on earrings from ME because I think they are so freaking cute.  Eleanor's favorite gift was, I think, Tommy's blue light sabre but she also liked the puzzles she received.

Christmas Eve, too excited to get a nice photo:

Christmas morning, checking out the gifts and waiting for Baby Eleanor to wake up.
Lulu, upon opening her very own headlamp (thanks, Aunt Jan!).

 Realizing that he was opening the Lego X-Wing.
 Eleanor and her favorite present.
 Playmobil knights from Auntie Em and Uncle Sid, displaying the oh-so-precious 'triangulasword':
 Our gift to Hanh which she very sweetly received but which she already had.

 Ugly but alright-tasting cinnamon rolls made by yours truly.  I had to whip up a buttermilk substitute (how did people function before the internet, anyway?) and I think it didn't work so well.
 Eleanor liked the cinnamon rolls.
 A complete X-Wing.
 I love the pictures because it will forever help me remember the noises he makes while playing.
 Delish Christmas dinner made by Eli (and see Lulu's new castle tent in the background?):

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