Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!

Friends, we are back in London and the trip home was nice and easy.  No fits on the plane this time, phew.

Our temporary flat is much nicer than the one we were in prior to going to Egypt.  It's near Earls Court which turns out to be very handy as the District Line has been closed for engineering works for four days.  We would have been stuck in Fulham, or fairly near to Fulham, had we found a place in that neighborhood.  I also like our flat's location because I do loops in a cemetery for my runs and I JUST LOVE reading all the names.

Since we've been back, Lulu has had a tummy bug  While I confess to having momentary panics that she contracted something rare and fatal in Egypt, she now seems to be fully recovered and is back to her cheerful-yet-demanding self.

On Friday, Eli and I went out and Mandy took care of the kids.  On Saturday, I went to Vivian's for a bit to collect our things but mostly we took it easy for the Lula.  Yesterday (Sunday) we saw Seb and Inger-Line for a goodbye coffee.  It was really nice.  (Tommy will miss Seb as he is very good at playing with him.)

Today, we are seeing Vivian for lunch...And that's it.  You will not believe this but we are JETLAGGED.  It's a two hour time difference and on the first morning, Tommy came into our room and said:

"NOW, I KNOW I will have to take a nap.  I'm going to take a nap, today, okay? But can I please play playmobil?"

"No, Tommy, because it's 3:30.  Go back to bed."

So he did, and woke up his sister.

Yesterday and today he woke up at 5:00.  No, I'm not joking, and come 8:00 in the evening, I am dead asleep on the couch despite being in the middle of a novel I am really loving ("The Forgotten Garden" by Kate Morton).  This is -- for me -- one of the top three most frustrating things about parenting.

Here are my resolutions:
- 10 blog posts per month, each with at least one photo
- Finally, finally make the kids' yearly photo books (yes, that would be 9 by the end of the year)
- Stop swearing and I really mean it this year; it's tacky (but so satisfying?)
- Figure out our family "screen time" goals and stick to them (Eli has pointed out that I check my phone far too much in front of our kids and he's right)

I hope that all of my loyal readers have fun plans to ring in the New Year.  I will be sleeping.

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