Sunday, January 06, 2013

And it's broken...

My resolution about photos in posts, that is.  Sorry dudes.

So yesterday Tommy took apart the X Wing in the name of better ships to come, and I am not kidding when I tell you that his daddy was disappointed.  Eli noticed the X Wing remnants and said to me, "it's been canibalized" and I said, "I know, honey, but it's his, you know?" and Eli said, "yeah, yeah, I know...but it's just such a cool ship, you know?"  And I tried SO HARD to maintain a sympathetic face at least but inside I was like NO I do not know but want to see the cool nail polish I bought Lulu?

To be absolutely clear:  this does not make me proud.  And yes, it makes me wonder exactly how much I have to do with Lulu's absolute obsession over nail polish.  But also, why is Star Wars so freaking boring to me?  (Perhaps because it was just way too scary for me?)

I have a few things to tell you for the sake of remembering them (cue: groans).

First, yesterday morning we took the kids on a walk through the nearby cemetery and they had a great time.  For much of the walk, they held hands.  Eli and I were walking behind them and heard Lulu say, "I love you, Tommy" and Tommy said, "I love you too!"  and then their conversation about worms continued.

Second, Lulu has a new word.  She says, often, "Whobody".  It means "who" so there's clearly no benefit in the addition of this word to one's vocabulary, but it's still funny to hear her say it.  A direct quote is:  "whobody wants broccoli and ketchup?"

Third, we have entered a phase of joke telling the problem being that neither of them really understand puns and so it all breaks down into ridiculousness, quickly.  One Lulu tells is:

"why did the baby cross the road?"
"cuz...I don't know."

"why did the bug cross the road?"
"because he wanted to get to the mud puddle"

After one of these "jokes" both kids laugh hysterically while Eli and I just look at each other.  Can one teach this??

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