Friday, December 14, 2012

Last Day

The walk to Tommy's school...

 The last chat with Miss Lorna (she is likely somewhat relieved about that, especially given that I was teary)...
 Tommy's school on the way out of the gate...
At Parsons Green waiting for the train into work.
 The walk from Temple to my office.
 Pausing like a tourist so you can see how pretty my walk really is.  Was.
In front of my office.
It was a very nice day at work.  I had a 'leaving presentation' (it's an English thing) and the head of the department said many nice things about me.  And I genuinely think that people are sad that I'm going which is very touching considering I felt like an alien for the first few months in that office.  (One of the stories told about me was that I'd never seen a christmas cracker before coming to England.  I refrained from listing all the other things I'd never seen before my time in London.)  It was a sweet day, and I am sad to be done with that chapter.  

BUT, my next post will be about how the LULA is THREE TODAY.  She has opened her presents and had a fit about eating breakfast and is now plopped in front of the television (it's her day, after all) and will shortly be getting ready to go to Winter Wonderland.  

See you later.                        

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