Saturday, December 15, 2012

Oh my god

So while it is obvious that the post I should be writing at this moment is that detailing the third birthday of Little Miss Important (as a friend so perfectly described her), I am compelled to comment on two awful things from yesterday.

FIRST, oh my god can we get some meaningful gun control in this crazy country? I have been thinking about those TINY CHILDREN non-stop and anybody who signs up to take on the NRA has my vote.  I used to work with a bunch of lawyers who lived through an angry ex-client shooting up their law firm and so I used to give money to the charity they started to work on gun control but I haven't since we lived in San Francisco and I guess this is some wake up call.

Second, before I learned about all those little children, I was walking on Fulham Road and heard a crash, and saw that a lady on a vespa had been hit and pushed across the road by an SUV.  I didn't see the accident, but I heard it and so I ran over.  Another guy had called the ambulance so I bent down and asked the lady if there was anything I could do to make her more comfortable.  It was cold and dark and she was on the ground, obviously.  She immediately said, "just talk to me" and so I took her hand and asked her her name (Olga) and we were off.  I asked her where it hurt and she really couldn't tell me (my arms and legs and hip) but pointed under her ribs.  She started violently shaking and I asked if she was cold and she said that she was not but a shop owner brought over some blankets anyway.  And then finally (maybe ten minutes later) the ambulance arrived and I told her I'd be thinking about her but that I was sure she would be okay.  So I carried on with my errands.  

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