Friday, February 15, 2013

Introducing Lola...

Hi everybody.  I have been meaning for a while to tell you all about our new kitty, Lola.  Here she is going up the stairs in our new house, where she lives by herself without any furniture.  She is very happy to see me each day when I show up to give her some food (does anyone else find the smell of wet cat food to be absolutely disgusting?) and she is very, very happy to see me when I do not bring my children with me.  The kids adore her (and show it by lavishing love and attention on her and squealing) and are the reason we agreed to adopt this kitty when her favorite person -- my friend Katherine -- had to move.  

Isn't she pretty?

1 comment:

  1. Margaret is very excited that Tommy and Lizzie have joined her in cat ownership. She warns that some cats bite, and if that happens just say NO ... BAD KITTY! She also wonders if Lola is from Charlie and
