Thursday, February 21, 2013

I'm still here!

We have been busy but that's not my excuse for failing to blog.  My excuse is that the internet connection at our hotel is so crappy that it's frustrating and I don't spend as much time doing anything at all on the internet, let along blogging.  My online shopping habit is suffering, but I suppose this is part of an international move.

We are doing well, over here in the Gulf.  That's how people refer to the region, as the Gulf, for example the lady at the furniture shop yesterday said, "at least you got to come to Oman, it's the best place in the Gulf because the people are friendly."  "Oh, yes, of course," I replied.  Because what does one really say to that?

The kids and I had a nice 'Saturday' today.  We went over to Miss Katherine's house (soon to be ours, I think) and skyped for about forty-five seconds with my parents before we had to run off to Tommy's swimming lesson.  The kids were not overly compliant on Skype; they mostly wanted to play with the cat on the patio.  I got them packed into the car and we had been driving for about a minute when Lulu said, "I am going to be a condor for Halloween."  I said okay, because the truth is that she has been alternating between playing condor and river dolphin (usually she is only a river dolphin when she is in the water but she did play that one on the couch yesterday, too) of late and I should've known that costumes would be demanded shortly.  When I told her father, he said "where does she come up with this stuff?" and I said, "obviously your work is causing you to forget all you know about children's television because hello! she plays the animals from her favorite Diego episodes."  Tommy wants to be a ninja but that is predictable as he recently did a report on Japan and one of his three facts about the country involved ninjas, he has asked me now three times to go on vacation to Japan because that's where ninjas are from and he reads the Lego Ninjago encyclopedia all the time.

Here are photos from the swimming lessons.  Lulu lounges; Tommy gets a very small amount of his seemingly endless energy out.  He moved up a level between last week and this week, which is nice only because we are practically in debt from his London swimming lessons and it stung a bit to have him put in the lowest level when he was assessed.  (Not that I disagreed with the assessment.)

(I like that you can see our room key in Lulu's pocket in this photo.  She likes pockets and I find the strangest stuff in them.  Both kids are also obsessed with the new-to-us car and it's endless secret hiding places.  There is strange stuff in there as well.)

 After swimming, we came home so I could exercise and the kids could have their weekend television time.  Actually, we stopped at the mall, which is something I'm proud about as it is only recently that I am not scared to drive in that parking garage.  I had to buy Tommy a hat for his traditional Omani dress day (never fear, a photo will be on this little blog for all to see).  Also, we bought some jelly bellies.

Then, we met friends at the beach at 3:30.  It was so nice to talk to a grown up for a couple of hours that I kind of didn't want to leave.  Also, she has a little guy Tommy's age but two older kids as well and they tend to be helpful with Lulu which is just so nice.  Tommy and his friend Luke found ALL OF THESE CRABS, behold:
 These photos are out of order -blogger why do you hate me??- and are from yesterday.  We let Lola out for a play, and she watched Lulu climb a tree while we waited for Tommy's bus.  Lola clearly felt obligated to show Lulu the proper way to climb a palm tree.  (For those interested, Lulu got really high -- palm trees are apparently good for climbing? -- but at that point I was over spotting her instead of taking photos.)  This is the street to the side of our new house.

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