Saturday, March 09, 2013

A Day In Dubai

Yesterday, we flew to Dubai.  We knew that we would need a trip out of the country to restart our tourist visas, but for some reason, we left it until the last minute to plan it.  So, Eli looked around and figured out that we could go for the day and spend the entire day inside the mall.

It sounds awful (not to me as most of you know that I happen to like malls quite a bit, but for our kids).  But, in Dubai they have thought of everything and this mall has an aquarium inside.  On a whim, I emailed Hamish to see if he might be in Dubai and he was, so I left Eli and the kids in the aquarium for two hours and had a coffee with Hamish to discuss whether I will work for him and in what capacity.  The hard part about this is that our cellphones didn't work and so Eli had no idea when I would return from my coffee and where I would be, so he spent a bit more time in the aquarium than he would've liked...

An impressive mall.  See Tommy's shark book under his arm?

Today in the car.  We got home late last night.

Eli and I also went to Dubai.

This is what our kids were most excited about.

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