Wednesday, March 06, 2013

In the thick of it.

Hello faithful readers,

I am sorry to leave so many days between posts.  But we are having some hiccups over here in Muscat.  Nothing major (I hope) but it's just been a bit harder than it was.

The primary issue is that Tommy has been offered a place at the British School for the Autumn term.  Eli and I arranged to see it on Monday, and both of us liked it a lot.  It felt really good, and the facilities were just fine (we had been led to believe it was horrible) and all the teachers we met were impressive, and while Lulu doesn't have a place in the nursery class, it is likely she would be accepted from the waiting list.  And we liked it.  But there are a lot of uncertainties and it's a difficult leap to make at this point.

Yesterday, we got an email from Tommy's teacher that he hit a kid pretty hard at school and she also mentioned that he's having other adjustments socially.  She assures us that they are mostly minor issues (not the hitting) but it's still really upsetting for both of us.  It would be impossible for me to have birthed children who are a-okay with transition because, well, I am so horrible with it, but for the most part, it seems like Tommy's been okay and that any issues he's had are due to the new classroom environment (and frankly having a less warm teacher than he is used to).  Blah, blah, blah, but rather than accept Tommy's violence as some sort of sign that we ought to move him, it makes me wonder if another switch is what will really serve him best.  And what if he gets an awesome teacher at TAISM next year?  

You guys, some days, parenting is pure torture.  I want to make the best choices for my children but how can we ever be certain that we are?  (Maybe Tommy would've slugged some kid at Eridge House, too.)

So we also had an issue with the car that luckily has resolved itself.  Then my debit card was eaten by an ATM after I had entered my PIN I just stood in front of the ATM for 15 minutes - it was impossible to get someone to answer the phone number that it said to call in the event of any problems with the ATM - and suddenly the computer reset itself).  Two of Lulu's classmates have been hospitalized with croup so she is home all day yesterday and today (and probably Saturday).  And we have to go to Dubai in the next couple of days because the kids and I have to restart our tourist visas.  And our boat is three days late.

On the plus side, our patio furniture will be delivered tomorrow, so we will be able to sit down in our house.  It's the little things, you know? 

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