Thursday, May 16, 2013

Guess who has a solo in his spring concert?

And guess who is OVERTHEMOONEXCITED about that?  I think Tommy found my reaction when he told me very surprising but he decided he liked it as he now reminds me of his solo whenever he thinks of it.  We have of course been practicing it and the way Tommy sings just kills me (it's adorable, but technically horrifying) and so I've been taking lots of videos of it.  Alas, I have yet to find the perfect one to post here so you will have to wait until after the concert next week.

So guess what else? It's finally gotten hot in Oman.  On Tuesday, Tommy vomited at school (due to the heat; it was at recess) and I went to pick him up and ask I packed the kids into the car it the parking lot, I noticed that the breeze just felt like a hair dryer on my body.  When I commented on the fact that it was our first truly hot day to a friend, she said that I should wait until the humidity reaches 85% because it's much worse apparently than the dry heat of this week.  I am officially excited to come be chilly in Seattle (in 29 days!!!! Which also means that in 29 days I am staring down a 14 hour flight with my two children, but let's just think of happy things right now).

Eli goes to London next weekend for work, and the weekend after that we're going on a little trip to Dubai. Eli and I are excited because we're staying in a nice hotel and spending the day at a very fun looking water park.  The weekend after that, we go see the little baby turtles crawling on beach.  That will either be awesome or sort of scary -- I heard from someone that there is ample opportunity to watch predators pick off the little babies and you know, my kids might not like that.  (We need a book on the food chain as every time it comes up my explanations just scare Tommy and Lizzie, "OH NO, the poor little beetle!".)

This is a random picture for this post, but it's cute.


  1. I have found BBC and Nature documentaries to be excellent introductions to the food web, aka, "everyone needs to eat" concept. Netflix has a great BBC 3 part series on Yellowstone that Margaret loves. Of course, she's also seriously invested in the "meat your meet" concept what with the farm and all, so she might not be the best example child. "Oh, mama, those lambs are so cute. And we're going to eat them." At least she's making some distinctions now - she used to ask about people eating tigers. Like at the zoo.

    1. That is, "meet your meat". I really ought not to try to bang out comments during my lunch break...
