Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

I hope everyone has a lovely day.  Let me ask you this question:  if you were me, would you be more excited about your sick three year old's 'gift' of developing hives, OR would you love Tommy's gift best:

Me:  How was swimming today?
Tommy:  It was good.  We did more electric bobs.  [pause] And MOMMY!  I remembered to put my underwear back on!  It's your present for Mother's Day!  I put my underwear back on!  [pulling on the waistband of his shorts] See?

(That's right.  Twice now my kid has come home without his underwear on because, he explained, it's much faster to get dressed when you don't worry about underwear.)

He also wrote this poem for me:

Laura my Mommy
Laura my Mommy
I love my Mommy
How she is nice
I love my Mom

I'm thinking poetry is probably not his thing but I know for certain that at least one of his Grandmas will read this and send me an email about how it's much too early to tell.

(Let's all cross our fingers that Lulu feels better soon.  I am almost certain that she has a virus, but am going to sign off and make a detailed list of everything she has eaten today.)

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