Wednesday, June 05, 2013

I'd like you to meet my daughter...

Ariel the Mermaid.

Last night I called her Lulu and was reprimanded:  "I'M NOT LULU, I'M ARIEL!"  (Also last night she told me that she hated me and was going to throw me in the rubbish bin, but that's for another post isn't it.  She's also planning to throw her bunk beds into the rubbish bin because she hates taking naps.)

Yesterday, her best friend Grace gave her this Mermaid dress, and Lulu has had it on ever since.  In the middle of the night last night she whispered that she wants a mermaid party and I have to get balloons and party plates.  When we picked out her clothes last night, it was easy peasy because she wanted to wear her mermaid dress to school and I knew that I would lose that fight if I chose to start it.  She woke up this morning, came into where Eli and I were exercising and demanded help putting on the dress.

You can't tell (they didn't want photos taken) but here they were walking their dogs.

Grace.  Her mom calls her Gracie Pops sometimes so my children also call her that, as in, "May we take this chocolate milk to Gracie Pops?" or "Can we go to Gracie Pops' pool?"
Tripping along...

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