Wednesday, June 05, 2013


We have a three-day weekend in Oman (it's the Prophet's Ascension) and so last night Tommy climbed off the bus (very, very cute) and came inside to play with Lizzie and Grace.  Not long after, I heard a shriek and Tommy came running into the living room and said he'd hit his head.  I didn't look at it, just picked him up and cuddled him, and then Leigh told me quietly that it was bleeding.  

So we went into the kitchen and I got out a towel and tried to clean it up and figure out what scope of the injury.  There was blood all over Tommy's head and shirt, and my shirt (and even in my hair) and so we decided to go to the ER.  

This was my first experience seeking medical attention in Muscat, but there is a private hospital very near to our house and so I packed up the kids and the iPad in the car and we set off.  And you know what? We walked in there and a very nice nurse (a guy who I would bet is from the Philippines) asked me Tommy's name and took him back into a room and started cleaning the wound.  There was a pediatrician around who took a look at the wound and chatted with the attention-starved Lizzie while the nurse shaved Tommy's head and put the steri-strips on. 

The biggest bummer? No swimming for five days.  I have no idea how we'll spend our afternoons.  Dance parties?  Feel free to give me suggestions for dealing with high energy levels and hundred degree heat.  (He still asks daily to go to the park.)

PS:  I put notes in the kids' lunchboxes and yesterday when I unpacked Tommy's he had flipped over the note and written:  "To Lura, I love you to deth xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox."  This is nice for my mental list of "it's totally worth it!" parenting moments to help me stay calm in the "what the hell am I doing?" parenting moments.

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