Thursday, September 05, 2013

First Day of School

I vowed to write six hours a week when I returned to Muscat and so far I've done one sad post and that's it.  It has been an adjustment to be back here -- for all kinds of reasons:  the driving with crazy people, the trips to multiple grocery stores daily for things which are always in stock in the US, the dripping sweat (it has been very warm), the stares (have I complained about how much people stare here on the blog?).  But, I think I'm finally getting to the adjusted part of the experience which is remarkable when you consider I've been back for less than two weeks.

Tommy started first grade on Sunday and Lulu started her first year of preschool (according to the TAISM curriculum).  Tommy is exhausted and in mourning for summer and playtime; Lulu is exhausted and telling us that she 'hates school' because that's what she hears her brother say each morning (and may I say that it physically pains me whenever he says it because he has always loved school so much?).  They are thrilled that it is the weekend, and I think I am, too.  (Have I complained about how much I loathe packing lunches?  Have I complained about how much I am complaining lately? MY GOODNESS.)

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