Sunday, September 08, 2013

Sick already

We had a really nice day on Friday.  We did homework in the morning (Eli and I did homework; Tommy doesn't have any yet but they're piling it on the parents right now) and then we went to the Intercon and played in the pools in the afternoon.  The kids had a great day because another family with whom we are friends were there, and they had playmates.  It was difficult to pry them away and in fact, Eli and I violated our pact to be home at 5:30 so that we wouldn't have a crazy evening.  But, it was worth it because we all had so much fun.

The kids went to bed easily and then, at 8:30, Lulu woke up.  She was clearly feeling horribly -- whimpering and crying and telling us that she was sick.  So, she and I slept together, waking every two hours to complain.  I don't begrudge her the complaining as she really doesn't feel well, but I AM FRUSTRATED THAT SHE IS SICK AFTER GOING TO SCHOOL FOR JUST ONE WEEK (a total of twelve hours).

She felt rotten yesterday, so badly, in fact that despite being dragged in her stroller to a birthday party for Tommy's friend, she declined a piece of cake when it was offered to her.  Last night was rough again, and this morning we went to urgent care.  She has bronchitis and had two twenty-minute sessions on a nebulizer (so sad, but she was such a good girl) and we will go back for another two sessions this evening before bed.  She'll see the pediatrician again in the morning (and probably also spend some more time on the nebulizer).

On the bright side, Tommy shows no signs of coming down with this, yet!

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