Monday, September 09, 2013

Lulu lately

So on the day Lulu was most sick, I took her to get a haircut.  It was probably miserable for her, but it was genius on my part because she couldn't really mess around.  Here she is, after a blow dry.  She looks so cute!

The last picture is during her first nebulizer treatment yesterday. She felt pretty horrible but she is better today.  She will probably have a last nebulizer treatment tonight after she goes to bed.  (This is a very odd thing for her -- to be taken to the hospital after she has gone to bed!)

She is obviously (and thankfully!) feeling MUCH better.  As I type, she is telling me a story about her 'extra parents' and all the things they encourage her to do (currently the extra parents are telling her to chase lions with her two friends, Yoko and Diego and Alicia).  She's taking at least one more day off school though, as the pediatrician opined that she is vulnerable to another illness like this one with the state of her immune system. 

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