Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Hummingbirds in Oman

So do you remember this post? Wherein I wrote about all the hummingbirds we have here and how much they make me think of my grandma?

Guess what.

There are no hummingbirds in Oman; just sun birds.  And they are certainly pretty little birds, but according to the professor at University of Wyoming who shared this information with me, they do not flutter their wings as quickly as hummingbirds.

So most of you know that Tommy's favorite things in the world currently are (1) ninjas and (2) raptors.  About a week ago, I managed to find the Oman Bird book, and gave it to Tommy.  When I can get a moment with the book, I will look up the sun bird situation and let you know what I discover.

But isn't that sort of a bummer?  It's almost as much of a bummer as when a hummingbird flew into my parents' window this summer and died.

We did see some amazing hummingbirds in Wyoming, so there's that.

1 comment:

  1. There are a boat-load of Omani birds, including a nice selection of wagtails and pipits (which is just fun to say) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_birds_of_Oman

    The sun birds are very pretty.

    Tell Tommy that Margaret thinks of him when the Harris hawk is in the Wonderdog show.
