Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Tommy and the Magic Faraway Tree

Since we moved to Muscat in January, I have been reading aloud to the kids at night from my favorite children's chapter books.  We started with "Charlotte's Web" because it's so sweet (until you get to the parts about Wilbur being eaten, and Charlotte dying), and then moved onto the first Harry Potter book.

We recently started reading a series of books by Enid Blyton. Tommy's kindergarden teacher read them to the class and told the parents how much the class enjoyed them.  (That's about all it takes to make me click 'purchase' on amazon.  I show no restraint whatsoever when faced with children's books and that's why we needed a forty foot container for this move (it wasn't full, but it might be when we leave as I have continued to buy children's books; it is a sickness).)

Anyway, we had to buy them on and then Eli brought them back after he was in London for a meeting.  When the kids and I returned to Muscat, we started reading them and both kids just love them.  Here are some photos of Tommy listening to me read before bed.

Tommy loves these books so much that he comes into our room in the morning with it and asks for "just a chapter."  (Friends, a chapter of a book that is all text can take quite a while to read - normally more time than we have in the morning.)

I know that Lizzie doesn't understand them quite as well, but the characters have sort of morphed into imaginary friends (one of whom I slammed in the car door the other day if you can believe it?).

PS:  Tommy seems to have settled into first grade and is quite happy doing soccer and karate after school two days per week.  I try to get to school ten minutes early so he can go outside and play before he starts the day and he really loves it: throws his backpack in his locker and sprints down the hall (in violation of school rules).

1 comment:

  1. Molly and I are reading "Charlotte's Web" right now and I have Harry Potter on the shelf to go to next. Any other recommendations? Did you feel like the kids were ready for Harry Potter? Molly has her own shelf on our basement bookshelves (I try to get books from the library mostly because I have such a Book Problem, but I make exceptions) and she's so excited to dive into the HP ones that await her.
