Monday, September 23, 2013

Back to the grocery store

You want to know the post people most often have commented on since I moved to Muscat? This one.  So today we're going back to the grocery store.

Carrefour has a new produce section.  Actually it has two of them, but I didn't take a photo of the organic section because I thought that the new "FRESH COMING BY AIR FLIGHT" section was depressing enough.  The funniest thing is that the environmental atrocity that is the air flight section is right next to one of the best parts of grocery shopping in Muscat:  the eggs.  My friends, we get some deliciously fresh eggs here, and I eat at least one per day.  They have feathers stuck on them, and as my friend Kathy commented, "they taste how eggs are supposed to taste."
My favorite thing about Muscat grocery shopping (and also Whole Foods grocery shopping, ha) is that the country of origin is posted alongside the produce price.  This photo shows you the two items I buy from China.

1 comment:

  1. I find it interesting that all the signs include English. I'll be sure to show this to Raymond (as I did the Mango post) since one of the things we always have to do when visiting another place (foreign or domestic) is check out the local grocery stores.Still liking my Fitbit and I think of you whenever I pull it out to see my steps for the day. Miss you!
