Thursday, November 14, 2013

In our free time...

My most recent post did not include photos, but not because I didn't have any.  More because I couldn't make myself walk upstairs to the other computer and upload them.  You'll have to forgive me; I have no good reason for being as exhausted as I am.  But I am.

Auntie Chinka sent Lulu some bath salts to help with her respiratory issues and all I had to do to convince her to stay in there was introduce goggles as a bath toy.  They love it.  It is so odd. (But look at their pale little bums.)

We spend as much time per day as possible thinking about and playing with and drawing ninjas.  This gallery project somehow came out of that -- you can see the ninja drawing he was working on when he decided to install his work along the hall.  (He brought home work from school the other day and in the assignment he had to use a particular word (I think it was 'when') and his sentence read, "you never know when a ninja will attack!"  I feel a bit tired of ninjas as they were spies and assassins so if he's not sword fighting, he's sneaking around the house trying to surprise me.)

We went to Eli's office on Saturday (to shake down some poor folks for money for Tommy's fundraiser) and Eli's boss, Mr. Steve, told us that he had seen a sea snake during his walk at the beach in the morning.  Another guy said it actually was an eel, he was sure, and so Steve turned to his computer and did a google image search.  Tommy participated and I was sort of surprised at how much he knows about sea snakes.  

Isn't Eli's office nice? Do you wish you worked in a trailer?  (Eli's desk is to the left.)

Eli and I are going to the Marine Corps ball tomorrow night.  One of us is enthusiastic and the other is decidedly not.  I wonder if you'll be able to tell which is which when I post photos.    

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