Friday, November 01, 2013

The Andersons' Visit, Part II - Wadi Shab!

On our way home from the desert, we stopped at Wadi Shab.  We have yet to hike all the way in because with little kids, it's almost impossible.  But, we had a lot of fun jumping off the rocks (all the kids were VERY brave) and swimming.  It's really beautiful there and we were almost by ourselves other than a nice french couple with an older boy who arrived late in our swim.  (Lulu announced very loudly as she was swimming past them that she had just done a wee, so I bet they were happy to see us pack up.).

As I mentioned before, we had such a fun trip with the Andersons and finishing at Wadi Shab was sad because they drove to a hotel from there and we went home to get ready to go to back to work and school and housewifery the next day...Sigh.

I'm not sure whether this is Eli or Brad jumping but probably Brad because Eli takes better pictures than I do and I likely selected a photo he took.  I did not jump from the high rock this time despite Eli's encouragement.

The boat on the way across.

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