Saturday, January 25, 2014

Here I am

Hi friends,

I am one totally uninspired blogger these days and I don't know why.  I think it's just the January blues (come on, February!) but here were are in the first month of the year and unless I do some quick posting, I'm not going to make my ten-post-per-month goal.  That's no way to start the year!

Eli thinks I need to start some series -- he suggested that I show you my menu plans and completed meal photos.  Or maybe the kids' outfits one week (Lulu is wearing her new dress from Auntie Chinka which does warrant a post of its own; it is super adorable).  I dunno.  None of it sounds particularly exciting to me, but rather like a proclamation of my stay-at-home-parent status.  But of course I am a stay-at-home parent and I read exciting things like, "The Whole Brained Child" and so what else do I think I'm going to blog about?

But I'm still here, and I'm actually surprisingly busy.  And when I'm not busy, I spend my driving time listening to the "TED Radio Hour" and then the rest of my time discussing what I listened to (sorry, Kathy, Leigh and Eli).  If you are in the mood to be totally blown away, listen to the program called "Hackers."  It is full of the craziest stuff you've ever heard.  I love those TED talks but they also make me feel ever so slightly inadequate because what if the TED people call me and ask me to do a talk? I mean, I could talk for ten minutes no problem, but not about one amazingly brilliant idea!!

If I could wish for one amazingly brilliant idea it would not be a solution for climate change (nay, that already exists, listen to "Hackers"), but rather a simple, life changing (saving?) idea to end sibling bickering.  Unfortunately, I could probably talk for ten minutes about the approaches I've taken which have not worked, but I have yet to hit on the solution.  Get in touch ASAP if you have.

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