Tuesday, January 21, 2014

My funny children (again)

Lizzie and I played with a seahorse that Uncle Andy bought her a couple of summers ago, and she was cuddling it and being very sweet, so I asked her, "would you like to have a baby someday?"  She said, "no, I want a seahorse.  I'm going to be a grown-up mermaid."


Tommy had to use "into" in a sentence, so he wrote:  "Into the Samurai's lair crept the Ninja."  (Except in terrible handwriting and with 'samurai' misspelled.)


Lizzie:  "Hey.  Your tummy doesn't open."
Me (oblivious):  "That's right."
Lizzie:  "So how do they get the baby out?"


Lizzie:  "If the whole world were bread, I would eat all of it."
Me:  "Is bread your favorite food?"
Lizzie:  "Yes!  And cereal and popcorn!"


While watching Land Before Time:
Lizzie:  "What's happening, Tommy?"
Tommy:  "It's an earthquake.  That's what made our continents."
Lizzie:  "Oh.  What does it do?"


Lizzie uses the word 'disgusting' often these days, but she pronounces it "buh-skusting."  Here is a list of things that are "buh-skusting":
* the smell of trash
* the smell of dinner cooking (often)
* kissing
* a patch of dry skin on my hand


Tommy, after tipping off his bike into a thorny bush:  "This is the worst bike riding moment EVER!"

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