Saturday, January 18, 2014

The best part of my day and the worst part of my day

It's Saturday which is our Sunday and which is typically the hardest day of my week because Eli goes to work but the kids do not go to school.  It's not that I don't love to spend time with my children, because actually I do love to spend time with them, but Saturdays are hard because they don't have enough to do and I have loads of beginning of the week jobs to do (and to be honest, sometimes end of the week jobs as well).

Today, the kids have taken things to a new level and are doing things like writing with marker on each other's clothing, shooting arrows at boxes full of messy things and causing spills, talking loudly in an incredibly grating baby voice they favor at the moment and - most critically - not leaving me along for a second.  (Lulu has called me four times, "muuuuh-deeerrrrr", since I began typing this paragraph.)

Don't worry too much, things will get better, but I have yelled a couple of times and have yet to feel the wave of guilt that I usually feel after losing my temper.

Now let's move to the best part of my day which is that we are the proud owners of a big box of fresh locally grown vegetables!  You've got to be an insider to know about this guy who distributes veggies out of his house every other Saturday, but my friend Kathy can get me in anywhere in this town pretty much and so I'm sitting at this computer feeling very virtuous despite the French chocolates that are in my pantry.  Here is a photo before I trimmed all the green beans and put everything away.

Yesterday we went to an amazing birthday party (it was a carnival and honestly, I have no idea how the hostess managed to put it all together) and then we went to Shatti beach and hung out.  Guess what my kids had to say about going to the beach? "NO, WE DON'T WANT TO GO TO THE BEACH! WE HATE THE BEACH!"  This, after we went to a different beach and Lizzie cried the whole hour we were there, complaining that she wanted to go home.

It's like they could not possibly be my offspring, but I'm absolutely certain they are.  Baffling.

Anyway, yesterday was even more fun because we ran into Leigh and Peter and Grace and even though Leigh and I had a nice chat on Thursday afternoon while the kids swam in the pool (and let me tell you, they were so happy to be swimming that they were giddy), we still managed to visit for an hour while Peter and Eli dealt with the kids.  (Shockingly, the kids all ended up quite wet.)

And with that, I sign off until next time which will hopefully be a bit sooner than it has been lately.  I know posting has been slim but you gotta have inspiration, you know? I mean, typing that makes me laugh as you all know that I am full to bursting with opinions so OF COURSE there is something I could post about.  But I worry so much about being boring on this blog!

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