Sunday, January 12, 2014


There are three things that really stand out about Christmas to me:

First, it was amazing how much family we managed to squeeze into such a short visit (two weeks, but that's including jetlag).  Sid and Ollie came for a few days from Laramie; Em and Sid and baby Dylan came from Sydney; we got to see my dad's Seattle family multiple times.

Second, it is astonishing to me how many weapons Tommy received.  I joke that we now own an arsenal but actually, he broke one sword before we even left Seattle so it might not qualify as an arsenal anymore.

Third, the cuteness of my baby Dylan knocked me over daily.

Let's start with number 3, shall we? One day after New Year's, we got all the kids dressed up matchy-matchy and took them to Yuen Lui.  Isn't that a nice background? I know.  And tell me, WHY did I not just tell the guy:  "Oh, can I look at your backgrounds? That's not what we're looking for."  But whatevs.  Here we are, with pictures that capture us at a particular moment in time and they already make me emotional for when my kids looked like that, ten days ago.  Imagine looking at them in a year.  I can look back at our early London photos and they blow my mind because the kids have changed so much.  Other than the heinous background, the kids look great and the photographer was totally making them laugh and I should focus on that.

During these photos, my dad was standing right next to Tommy to catch the baby if necessary.  (It wasn't, but there were some hairy moments.)  I don't want you to think that we go around endangering babies.  There are photos that are much more traditional than these are but these are my very favorites.  You can see that Dylan is willing to play along for a while and then he figures out that he might be in danger, being held by a hysterical six year old.

Below are photos of Christmas morning (and a few from the day or two afterward).  Tommy left a note to Santa that said,

Dear Santa,
Have you brought me a bow and arrow and quiver? It's all I want for Christmas.
Love, Tommy

So Santa hustled to Toys R Us and Tommy got way too many gifts for Christmas.  But these things cannot be helped, can they.

Reading with Grandpa Ollie on Christmas morning, while eating a chocolate (which, let's be honest, really makes it feel like Christmas because there is no way they would be offered chocolates before eight am on normal days).
Doing the science kits from Aunt Katherine and Uncle Andy.  These were a big hit and I just let them go for it as we were in my parents' house.
Looking at these photos (most of which were taken by my mom, I think, but some by Eli maybe) makes me realize that Lizzie mostly likes to be around her grandparents because she has a wide selection of readers available to her.
She did a lot of 'helping' in the kitchen, as well.

 Playing with the crystal mining kit from the Rebkas.  A perfect present for Tommy.
 Lizzie's turn!
 (The election sign was the target and is far superior to the glass windows that are on two sides of my house here.  The 'thwack' noise really puts you on edge.  Eli assures me that the arrows cannot break the windows...)

 My cousin Will and his wife Cassi gave Lizzie this makeup for Christmas.  It might be her favorite present.  It's meant for lips but obviously Lizzie knows better.  (It was hard to get off.)

YOU GUYS.  There are more photos but I am worn out.  I'll be back.  xoxo

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