Wednesday, January 08, 2014

The reasons I hate my fitbit flex

I don't post too much about my exercise program on this blog because it would make me look totally crazy.  The truth is that I am totally crazy about exercise (and not only because I don't work outside the home right now; I was like this in London).

This makes me a perfect person to own a fitbit.  My father-in-law recognized this over the summer and bought a fitbit zip for me, which I loved completely.  When I received it, I thought it would be interesting to know my daily step count, but I ended up on the treadmill at ten pm trying to make my 10,000 step goal on the days I went to a yoga class or lifted weights (and therefore didn't do too much stepping during my workout).

The fitbit zip is the most basic step counter made by fitbit and doesn't track elevation.  I have three levels in my house and go up and down a lot of stairs per day, so I was interested in that metric as well and told Eli I might upgrade to the fitbit one when we were in the US for Christmas.

Eli bought me the fitbit flex instead - which was very sweet.  It's sort of a neat looking bracelet, and it's the most pricey (I think) of the fitbits and I think he figured it would track elevation, which it does not.  I have now been wearing it since December 26 and I am ready to throw it away and reconnect my sweet little zip.  (If I could do this myself I would do it now rather than write this post, but I am nearly ready to declare myself technologically incompetent as I couldn't get an attachment off of gmail last night, so I'm waiting for Eli to do it when he gets home.)

You had to read three paragraphs before the list, sorry:
1.  I hate that the flex does not track my stairs.
2.  I hate that the flex is a bracelet.  It's rubber and gets sweaty and gross.  Also, it makes it uncomfortable to wear my watch.
3.  I hate that the flex doesn't have a screen to tell you your metrics!  It's so STUPID.  It has five lights, and everytime you hit two thousand steps, one lights up.  So you can tell if you're, say, between six and eight thousand steps, but that's as close as it gets.
4.  I hate that it doesn't sync quickly with my iPad and iPhone.  It has to think about it and then only updates when it feels like it.
5.  I don't think it's accurate.  Today it's DEFINITELY not accurate as it's only 11 am, I've been to yoga for an hour and I just hit 21,000 steps which I have never done before.  This is a nutty example and I think it could be due to the fact that I accidentally dunked my hand into the bath last night but I took it off right away and dried it and you're supposed to be able to wear it in the shower.  I should note that neither of my fitbits are accurate in terms of mileage and I'm positive of this because I have checked them against my GPS watch.  But, for some reason, I don't care much about this; I am more interested in (and motivated by) step count.

The end.

1 comment:

  1. Eli bought me the fitbit flex instead - which was very sweet. It's sort of a neat looking bracelet, and it's the most pricey (I think) of the fitbits and I ...
