Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Jetlagged again!

For the third night in a row, Tommy has appeared at our bed at 2:30.  For some reason, at the forefront of my mind is the fact that if we lived on the East Coast, that would be fine -- I can handle waking at 5:30.  But, my people are on the West Coast and we spent our entire vacation in Seattle, and so here we are.  Eli agrees that the kids had an easier time this summer and by night three were not waking so early, so we are both very curious about this and one of us (it's me) is very grumpy.  (Eli slept perfectly the first night and only had a hard time last night because he got up with the kids.)

I will now give you a brief summary of our journey back here.  The fourteen hour flight from Seattle to Dubai was great.  The kids slept a lot of it and so did I (I think I get really stressed out about these long flights so by the time we get on the plane, I just collapse).  We had a hotel room in Dubai to help with  our seven hour layover (none of us slept even though it was in the middle of the night) and then we climbed on our forty minute flight to Muscat and both kids konked out.  Whatevs.  It was a great trip.

Now, in an ideal world, I now would launch into a description of our trip.  You guys, it was so nice and I am so grateful we got to spend Christmas with my family and Sid and Ollie this year.  (In another week, I will think it was worth it despite the jet lag, I know it.)  The major problem with writing about the trip is that I have nary a photo to put up here.  (Already blowing my New Year's resolutions, sigh.)  We had to send Eli's (brand new Olympus) camera in for repairs and he used mom's camera over Christmas but we don't have those photos.  Or, if we do, I don't know where they are and Eli is sleeping.  I have a few on my phone and iPad, but they aren't on this computer yet.  So.  Let's agree to wait on the play-by-play Christmas post and I will meet you back here later this week.  I'm sorry.  (I will make it up to you in delicious baby Dylan photos.)

The kids went back to school yesterday and despite being quite tired, they did really well.  Lulu didn't sleep at all during the day (hooray) and Tommy didn't fall asleep on the bus home (though he did have a spectacular fit in the evening when I made him take off his sword and get in the bath).  I also had a decent day yesterday but most of it was spent running errands and chopping vegetables.  The highlight was when Leigh and Grace came over for a visit and I realized that Leigh sounds much more Scottish having been home for three weeks.

The kids are talking a lot about Seattle and missing their grandparents (they were lucky enough to spend Christmas with all four of their grandparents!) and that part of this adjustment feels hard to me.  But, we'll be back in the US in six months and while ...

I just noticed Melora's comment and I have no idea what I had typed (intended to type?) there.  So we'll just chalk it up to exhaustion and move on, shall we? Thanks for reading, my sweet friends.


  1. Replies
    1. I have no idea what happened but your comment is making me laugh as I type. Maybe I fell asleep???
