Saturday, February 08, 2014

New Year's Resolutions: Update

Friends.  I have decided to tell you all about the progress I'm making with my resolutions.  This way, I will want to do better.

First.  I am ROCKING the menu plans.  I am only doing them a week at a time, but I'm happy with them and I love when it gets to five pm and I know what to start doing in the kitchen rather than pulling open the fridge door and groaning.  I have tried some new recipes, and the kids now love butternut squash soup and chicken pie but have been less enthusiastic about black bean burgers.  However, I have read the articles that say you have to give kids a new food ten times before they want to eat it and so I shall persist.  Mostly because I myself quite like black bean burgers and they are easy peasy.  

The discouraging part of the menu planning is that I still go to the grocery store most days.  This is almost always for fresh milk, bread or vegetables, but it still sucks.  On the bright side, Lizzie rides her bike to the store and the weather is lovely so it's nice to be outdoors.

Second:  I have not looked once at the photo books, so boo.

Third:  You know how I'm doing on the photos and ten monthly posts.  Room for improvement.

Fourth:  As far as swearing, I will tell you this story.

Lizzie:  Am I allowed to say 'darn it'?
Eli:  No.
Tommy:  Lizzie, you can say darn it, but not D-M-I-T.
Me:  Lizzie, do you know what that spells? [The stupidest question asked in all of parenthood, ever.]
Lizzie:  Shit.
Eli:  We are such good parents.

And in the spirit of my resolutions, I offer you this photo of my daughter helping me with the dishes:

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