Monday, February 03, 2014

The News

I don't have any big news; just little things that feel big in our family.  I will note that there are no photos or videos accompanying this post due to technical difficulties but I have my tech guy working on it...

First, may I offer a hearty congratulations to all my favorite Seahawks fans? I admit to being excited when we woke up yesterday at 5:30 (that's right, slackers, we get up to exercise every day at 5:30 unless one of the kids throws up at night and we have had horrible sleep) and saw that they were winning.  I also confess to feeling slight badly for the teacher who left choir rehearsal early to go to bed so she could get up at 3:40 to cheer on the Broncos.  She was even preparing pork for the half-time meal.  Anyway.

Second, we are very excited to announce that Lizzie has mastered the "z" and can now write her name properly.  She mostly just likes to practice writing "z"s though...

Third, we are thrilled thrilled thrilled to announce that Tommy can ride a bike without training wheels!! He is incredibly proud of himself and says things such as, "Dad, could you please come home from work now and take me out on my two-wheeler?"  It took about thirty minutes of Eli running alongside him on Friday, when Tommy could ride a few seconds by himself but Eli (or I when Eli got too hot) ran with the bike the whole time.  On Saturday I forced him back out and after doing a couple of laps with him, I decided he had it and let go and from then on, all I did was pick the bike up from wherever he had crash-landed it, turn it around, and then push him off.  He has hand brakes which make this part a bit trickier (and perhaps cause a bit more crashing) but I know it will be better in the long run.  And anyway, we bought the knock-off bikes from the Indian part of town (Ruwi) and didn't really have any choice.  Eli and I are going to buy a bike this weekend that we can both ride as he is close to being able to ride faster than I can run.

Finally, Tommy has his first "wobbly" tooth!

The culmination of these achievements in Tommy's life was an announcement this morning that he intends to hang glide (because he wants to fly and this strikes him as the next best thing).  When I said that "little boys" weren't allowed to hang glide, he thought that was all fine but "what about boys as big as I am?"

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