Monday, March 17, 2014

We had a birthday over the weekend

Friday (March 14th) was Eli's birthday.  He is now 38 years of age and as he correctly pointed out, I make a big deal about that because it freaks me out that in six weeks, it will be my turn to reach 38.  Yikes.

Sid and Ollie are coming to visit, and with them are coming Eli's birthday gifts (we thought that their trip would be a bit earlier, so I wasn't intentionally mean).  We DID, however, bake him a flourless chocolate cake that was quite good if I do say so myself, and we also went out to dinner at the restaurant I most like in Muscat (yes, I know it was Eli's birthday but he didn't pick a place) and then we went to the beach for the day with the kids on the actual day.  This was fun except for the part where our feet all got cut up by sharp rocks.  Remember aqua socks? We're buying some of those this summer.

In a truly classy move, I took no pictures of Eli, or the cake, or the beach, or ANYTHING.  Here is one from Seattle; he still looks like this except that he never wears a coat here.  In case it is unclear from this blog normally, I will state on the record that I am awfully fond of this guy.

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