Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Warning: this post is pretty much all complaining

You guys.  This post should actually include a movie of Lulu singing "Let It Go" because it is something so amazingly cute that I will never stop thinking it is special and wonderful.  This morning she was singing it as I brushed her hair and her daddy even came in to listen (her back was turned to us) but she got a bit shy when she realized we were both smiling at her.  I will work to take a secret movie so that you too can experience this amazing thing.  (Her pitch is better than you would expect from a four-year-old but it's still not what one would describe as 'pretty' singing.)

The other bright spot in my life is that a pack of workers descended upon my house yesterday afternoon and scraped off the horrible paint mess (made by a different pack of workers).  I was very impressed with these fellows.  And now I don't have paint on the door frames or glooping down onto the tile.

I am unusually grateful for the above two things, because I have spent much of this week feeling frustrated or angry.  That is a somewhat horrible thing to type but I'm not going to delete it because it's the truth.  One of the reasons I'm worked up is that I took my car in to have a couple of minor things fixed and it has been diagnosed with a huge AC problem.  We are going to Dubai for a long weekend in May, so we have no choice but to fix the AC because how horrible would it be to have it break completely on that long drive?  THEN, when I sent Eli to pick up the car, after 5pm yesterday, when Mohammed had promised it me would be ready, it wasn't ready and Eli was stranded at the Hyundai place.  But you see, this is a novice mistake.  No Expat who was using their brain would assume something would be done when promised here.  Why was I such an idiot?  INFURIATING.  In fact, the reason I am typing this post right now is because I am stuck at school all morning because I have no car.

Another problem is that the flight we take from Muscat to Dubai is canceled the entire week of June that I want to travel, so I have to spend the whole night in Dubai with the kids before boarding the flight to Seattle.

It is now time to stop whining.  I shall sign off and hit publish but only because it's the end of the month and I haven't written 10 posts in April.  Otherwise this would sit in the pile of 50 draft posts I have going.

1 comment:

  1. Margaret saw Frozen while were on our trip, and of course loved it (me not so much). Then she found out Let it Go was on a CD favor from a friend's birthday. Last night she put together an entire song and dance routine, which she performed 3 times for us, as well as for the cats. Something about that is just infectious for these little girls!
