Thursday, May 15, 2014

My Birthday

You guys!  I had such a lovely birthday.  It was totally unexpected (I am not usually so great at birthdays), but it felt just perfect.  Thank you all so much for your very sweet emails, and please know that I am going to reply to each one of them!  I felt very very loved.  To top it off, when I told Tommy that I didn't want to get any older, he said, "Don't worry.  When you turn forty, you probably won't get sick and die."

My biggest gift was a shiny new air conditioner compressor in my car.  The old one still worked a little bit, but now I can be driving along in my car and be too cold and let me tell you, that is just the very best feeling ever.  It is now very hot here and even people who live here all the time are complaining.  (It did not stop birthday party hosts last weekend from having a huge bouncy house outdoors, however.  I have never seen Tommy's face so red.)

Opening my presents (I had not yet dried my hair which is something to consider next year if Eli is taking photos).

Here is my favorite gift:  Lizzie picked this sucker out herself and she thinks it is the most beautiful ring in the whole world.  I told her that she's very lucky to be my daughter because someday it will be hers!

Here is my birthday dinner at Elevation Burger.  I told Eli that the food tastes good enough to make it acceptable -- and the fact that my kids don't stress me out in this place is just so awesome.  Plus, then we got Tommy a haircut in the same mall!

My friend Dina made this cake for three of us.  It was delicious.  She is an accomplished dentist
but should probably pack it in for baking...

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