Thursday, May 15, 2014

Mother's Day

Lizzie's class had a mother's day tea for us on Thursday the 8th, and it was very sweet indeed.  Here is the card she made for me.  My favorite thing is that she puts eyelashes on her people.  No bodies - just heads with arms and legs sticking out, but eyelashes.  Maybe she has seen me putting on mascara one time too many.

Tommy wrote me a very sweet card on my own stationary.

But friends, you know this is not a Mormon mommy blog because even though I love my children and am so incredibly grateful to have them and wouldn't change my life for anything, we are not in the easiest moments right now and I'm willing to write that for the whole internet to read.  The kids are tired (my fault!) and doing a bit more bickering than normal and all Tommy wants to do are chemistry experiments which is a nice problem to have but usually I'm trying to cook dinner and the cleaner has just walked out the door and I don't want to do chemistry experiments!  A few days ago he explained that his first choice career is a chemist, second choice is butterfly catcher, third choice is spy and fourth choice is zookeeper.  Last choice is police officer and I was relieved but I know this means he'll probably tell me he wants to be an Army Ranger when he's 18.  Sigh.  And Lizzie, though sweet and cuddly, is in a phase of fits (pray that it is nearly over) and when she gets really mad, she gets as close to my face as she possibly can and screams as loudly as she possibly can.  It's truly an experience and Eli and I agree that it's incredibly difficult not to burst out laughing.

BUT, as I said, I would not change my life for anything and I am grateful they are mine.  I just wish they thought every thing that came out of my mouth was the best idea ever.  "She wants us to clean up our mess!???  RIGHT ON, I can't wait to start!!'  You know, that kind of thing.  A girl can dream.

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