Sunday, June 01, 2014

It's June! Everybody is leaving!

I haven't been around much lately, because I've been busy and also a bit whiny.  Nobody wants to read a whiny blog. Eli and the kids had a holiday on Tuesday (not sure what it was for, but I think the Prophet's Ascension?) and we went to a fancy hotel for the day with our friends the Engstroms.

Our friends the Engstroms are leaving Oman in two weeks forever and this is quite a loss for all of us.  Two of us have not begun to process this - and won't until they return in September to an Engstrom-less life.  The other two of us try not to talk about it too much, because I've started getting snappy when Eli points out that if we hadn't chosen the expat life, we never would have met the Engstroms.

Note the Luke-Tommy handhold.

This is right after I said that it's appropriate that Eli and John were taking the photo because they are always at work, anyway.
 (I am gearing up for some lonely, boring Saturdays come September.) 

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