Sunday, June 08, 2014

Our family motto

I hadn't actually realized that we have a family motto (I picked up this whole concept from my Mormon mommy blog habit) until I was looking at prints on scoutmob, and saw it.  And then I thought, "ohmigosh, that's what I want our kids to know."  So, I ordered it (and this beauty as well, which now hangs in the kitchen so that I am reminded of it when I am doing dishes for the third time that day), got it framed for nothing (one of the benefits of living in Oman) and it now hangs in T & L's room.  Here is the link, in case you want to put it in your house, too.

Anyway, I'm not actually sure the kids have noticed it and only one of them can read it at this point (but Lizzie is making lots of progress!), but maybe it will sink in no matter what.  It may sound silly (or neurotic?) but Eli and I have lots of conversations about what we want to teach our kids and what kind of people we hope they will be (it could be that I do more of this talking and Eli does a lot of listening) and if my kids work hard and are kind, then I will view my attempt at parenting as successful, no matter what they are (this weekend Tommy wants to be a chemist and Lulu wants to be a rock climber).

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