Monday, June 09, 2014

A random one

This morning was Tommy's portfolio review and the whole thing had me laughing so hard I was crying.  A choice example was, in his plant log (you know, they planted a seed and then observed it daily), he wrote:  "My dear old plant I fear is dying!"  He just kills me.

Anyway, here are some more random ones:

A red rainbow for Tommy; a pink rainbow for Lizzie.  There are words that she can read! Exciting times over here.

In a kitty sort of a mood.  She's cute as anything in these costumes so of course she wants to be Elsa (from Frozen) for Halloween.

One of the best things about Muscat is our dentist.  She is one of my favorite people here, has kids exactly T & L's ages and is the most patient dentist you have ever met.  Here is Tommy experimenting with "Mr. Thirsty" before the cleaning begins.  My children absolutely love going to the dentist which is just so nice.

Guess who got layers at her last haircut.  She gets lots of compliments on her hair these days and she loves that I don't make her brush it in the morning anymore.  Yes, you read that correctly.  I often don't brush my hair in the morning, either.  Nice.

Sid and Ollie's dear cat Nicholas passed away last week, and it has hit Tommy hard.  These are drawings of Nick. 

Luke spent the night on Thursday.  This is Friday morning.  The boys had a great time,
but their parents are feeling quite sad that Luke is moving away from Muscat this summer...

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