Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Hello from chilly Seattle

My lord, the last two weeks in Muscat felt like a sprint to the finish.  I can't tell you how many times I told Eli I thought I might collapse before the day ended (which is pretty lame as he has a stressful job and doesn't usually complain about being tired).  Anyway, we have weathered the goodbyes and the parties and the end of school and the leaking AC units and the three cockroaches and, well, everything else but most importantly the 13 hour and 15 minute flight from Dubai to Seattle.  The major catastrophe was that Lizzie spilled orange juice all over herself and her seat during the first meal and I'm not sure if you realize this (I certainly didn't), but orange juice that is spilled into an old seat cushion and then warmed by a human body smells very much like urine.  So paranoid was I that Lizzie had wet herself, about half way through the flight, she screamed, "MAMA, QUIT TOUCHING MY BUM".  Yes, everybody heard.

I watched that movie about Mr. Banks and I loved it (but I also love Mary Poppins) and that one where Matthew McConaughy is super skinny (liked it quite a lot) and another one that I won't be confessing to have watched on this here internet.

I'm so tired that I'm not really making sense even to myself, but I shall soldier on because I know you all want to hear about this.

The kids are thrilled to be in Seattle and have successfully destroyed my parents' house and yard.  Tommy spilled green food coloring while doing a chemistry experiment (still wants to be a chemist) and stained my dad's clothes and the kitchen floor.  They are wearing us all out with their need to become reacquainted with every detail of my parents' house.

Last night, the kids were up until sometime after five pm when Tommy fell asleep while eating ice cream.  Then, we all went to bed and guess who woke up at midnight and never went back to sleep??? ME.  Lizzie slept until three ("Mama, my brain is just keeping me awake!") and Tommy until 3:40.

Tonight will likely be worse as they will wake earlier and I will be taking a sleeping pill.  On the bright side, I have replenished my parents' netflix queue so the kids will just need to wake me once every two hours or so (ha).

PS:  Have you read that All Joy and No Fun book?  I'm 15% in (I hate reading on my kindle but English books are pricey in Muscat) and, to be honest, I'm finding it interesting.

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