Thursday, June 26, 2014


I have some amazing news:  we seem to be absolutely over the jet lag.  Lulu has been sleeping until eight am, but I think it has more to do with her four-year-old immunizations (not one tear was shed during those shots; she was so impressive) than jet lag.

We have kept busy, with very exciting things like trips to (much) colder beaches than the ones we left, and Costco.  It's hard to appreciate Costco until you don't have it, but there is something magical about that shrine to consumerism.  I love it there.

I promise more posts to come - I have some very cute pictures of a friend's baby who is very adorable and the type that just sort of snuggles into you and relaxes.

It's chilly here but happy summer to all of you anyway!  Wheee.

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