Thursday, July 03, 2014

What are we doing?

This is what one calls 'stating the obvious', but I certainly haven't been blogging.

The kids have been in zoo camp this week.  They are mostly loving it except for a girl called Taylor who referred to Tommy as "Mr Brag Face" on the first day and has been since the only person in his class he doesn't like.  (I copy my friend Kathy's "you don't have to be friends with everyone, but you need to be friendly to everyone" rule, so hopefully things are better now.)  As we all know, Tommy definitely can be a know-it-all (it's all in the tone, and we are working hard on that).  Lizzie seems to like zoo camp okay, but claims not to see any animals during her seven hours at the zoo each day.  The nicest part of zoo camp is that Tommy is in a group with my friend Sarah's daughter Molly and they really get along.  On the way home yesterday, Tommy said to her, "you're definitely one my best friends" and she agreed.  (She couldn't be number one best because of Luke, of course.)

My big news is that all week I've been helping a partner I used to work for on an appellate brief!  It's been very fun, but makes me realize my brain is not functioning at a high level.  I know you blog readers are shocked.

Here are some photos - we've been having lots of fun here!

We went to the Science Center and saw naked mole rats which was interesting because Uncle Andy gave us a
great book (by Mo Willems) about naked mole rats.  They are super gross in real life.

Hanging out at home petting Lakota, with ear protection.

More ear protection - but in this picture it makes more sense as she's obviously trying to pop the balloon with her teeth.

Lots of bike riding.  We are now working without training wheels - but she hasn't got it yet.

Look who else is bike riding!

He fell off while climbing down.  He's okay.  

Zola and Elise.  Zola's going to college, but I babysat for her when she was a baby.  So that's a bit of a strange feeling.

Lynn (Zola and Elise's mom) and my old backyard!!

Somebody had two immunizations and she didn't cry AT ALL.  

Fun day at the Museum of Flight (except for Tommy learning about the Challenger explosion, speaking of which you should all listen to the TED radio hour that talks about that, it's so interesting)

Museum of flight (and socks with sandals)

Tommy holding a really pretty orange sea snail which I did not photograph well at all.

Dad opening up the bee hive and adding a box for more honey!  It was really fun to watch from the guest room window.

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