Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Letting it go

This week, I'm a little bit blue to be in Muscat - for all kinds of reasons but none so compelling as the email I received from the Royal Albert Hall advertising a Frozen sing-a-long.

You guys.  This is not about me.  It is about my daughter and she would just love to attend an event like this, my daughter who made up and sang a song on the spot for her preschool class on the day she was the Leader.

Last week, I drove three little girls to a playdate and we listened to and sang along with "Let it Go" about four times (thank God we weren't going too far).  They all sound like they are doing irreparable damage to their vocal cords but my goodness they just love it SO MUCH.


On the bright side, today I managed to get very lost and subsequently found!

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