Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Somehow, it's difficult to believe that we have been back to school for 4 1/2 weeks - and next week is already fall break.  It's Eid Al-Adha and Omanis are off for an entire week, which means school would have been closed anyway.  So it makes sense even though it's early.  ANYWAY, it's crazy that we're so deep into the school year and I have yet to feel like there is a routine.  Everyday I wake up and check the calendar and wonder what I might be forgetting.  Because I'm smart, I am desperately trying to sign Lizzie up for a gymnastics class on top of everything else.

Happy last day of September and here are some photos!

Because Eid is upon us, this is a somewhat common sight.  It is really hot outside and I can't help but feel horribly for these poor guys.

We joined a hotel pool and have enjoyed it three Fridays in a row.  It's especially fun because we all just have to relax and hang out -- nobody can run home and do jobs or start getting lunch ready.  The kids really like it.
Having ice cream at school before soccer with (very cute) friends.  Her first soccer lesson was pretty amazing;
during the second I caught her leaning on the goal and sucking her thumb.  Let's see shall we?
The three ice creams in the middle are for older siblings, lest anyone worry I had lost my mind.

Lizzie had a birthday party at Build-A-Bear (see below), so Tommy and I got a hot chocolate and I read HP7 to him for an hour.

Enthusiastically dancing at the birthday party.

With Grace at the party.  She really loves Grace.

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