Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Eid Mubarak

On Saturday, the actual Eid holiday, we went to Sifah beach.  Tommy has been asking to go since we returned to Muscat in August, but I have been worried that it is too hot and reluctant to deal with the mess that a beach trip inevitably creates (so. much. sand.).  But on Saturday, Tommy asked to go to Sifah again and Eli and I decided we would go after lunch so we would miss the mid-day heat.

And it was lovely.  I had forgotten how beautiful and amazing it is there.

 We left the beach about 5:30 and as we drove through a couple of villages on the way home, we saw ladies dressed in their finest.  One thing that most people don't know is that traditional Omani dress for women is not the abaya.  They are covered, but their clothes are typically (this is a generalization as it varies regionally) brightly colored.  Eli took some photos for me - but it wasn't totally comfortable feeling as we didn't ask the ladies for permission.

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