Thursday, October 30, 2014


On Friday, we had a long day and by the end of it, Lizzie was beat (and, I think, very hungry).  So when Eli announced that we were having tofu tacos for dinner she screamed, "EVERY NIGHT TOFU.  OH MY GOD!"  (To be fair to her, we had tofu twice during the previous week and we usually have it only once.)

It was really rude (and she was really mad and laughing at her when she's mad is almost always a horrible idea), so Eli and I both tried hard not to laugh as we suggested that she could use her manners next time.  We offered her a bowl of peppers and she settled herself on the floor to eat them.  About five minutes later, she knocked the bowl over and SWORE so we yet again had to try not to laugh and convince her to listen to us despite her hunger and exhaustion.

So you know the ending:  after a heated negotiation, she ate five pieces of tofu (but only because Eli cut them smaller than I do) and we were confident that she went to bed with some healthy food in her tummy.

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